Rolling Pipe Solution
I was wondering if you perhaps offer any oil-burning pipes that have a flattened bottom. Over the years, nearly everyone I’ve had meets its demise by inadvertently rolling off a table & smashing on the floor (which is really difficult to clean up as the glass shards are minuscule and quite sharp). Even just the slightest variance to the spherical shape would make a world of difference.
If not currently, may I make a product suggestion? It would be a wonderful option.
Hi, Jerry,
Thank you very much for your question!
The pipe below has a small flat area on the other side of the hole. I think that’s the only one in my store that has this kind of design. It is very popular.
And this one has a flat blow, which makes not easy to roll
There are some other solutions for rolling pipes, like building an obstacle on its side. check out these pipes:
Here are some combinations of the above pipes, at a better deal.
You may subscribe to us if you haven’t, and receive our weekly newsletter. There is a FREE ITEM every week.
This week’s free item is the strawberry head pipe. This unique shape of the head makes it not quite as easy to roll as those ball-shaped heads.
So, don’t forget to add it to your order.
I hope this answers your questions.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions or requests.
Best regard
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I highly recommend the thick ob mentioned first as new design. Takes a little getting use to it but you’ll never want to go back to the plain ob. I think ive purchased 3 over the last 2 1/2 years. They are bad to the bone.